marche très mal, même avec beaucoup de patience...
marche très mal, même avec beaucoup de patience...
Bought it, couldnt sync it, and after three trys, find out it only works on iphone, ---WHY? --Havent the foggiest!! Seems odd since there are 30 million ipods out there.
Works well on iPhone.
For example, when I try to show the message such as "hello there", I only see "llo the" in wide font size. As I swing wider, images(or fonts) go wider to.
Seems that no matter how hard I try to get this to work people just cant see the messages. Ive tried it with several friends and the best they can pick out is a few letters. I was hoping this would be like the special faceplate you could get for nokia phones long ago but it seems the only way to properly see the message is with a time lapse exposure on a camera. Quite disappointing.
I tried to wave it and it cracked my iPhone!
Save your money this is pure junk. Apple made some cash as did who ever made this app. Dont be a sucker like me! Scam!
Worth what I paid for it ... Nothmm
Most I can get is half the message to show. Maybe if the person you are showing it to likes wheel of fortune it would be good
なるほど。難しい。 一眼レフで挑戦してみましたが、「ゆっくり振れ」と言う割にセンサーの反応が悪く、画面に何も表示されない事もしばしば。 が、なんとか撮影に成功しました。 一眼レフをお持ちの方向けにレビューします。 コツは、 左から右に平行移動させる際、 移動の初めに軽くiPhoneをシェイクします。これで、確実に画面に文字を表示させます。 一度表示されれば、文字を最後まで流してくれるようなので、ゆっくり平行移動させます。 私の場合は、右手に持ち、左肩から右手を一杯に伸ばして120cm/2秒のスピードで21文字の同時撮影に成功しました。 カメラの設定は、ISO1000、F3.5、5秒です。これ以外の設定でも可能でしょうが、面倒なので試してません。 カメラで遊びたい人向けのアプリです。それ以外の人には正直お勧めしにくいです。 To developer This app is very attractive. But the sensor is too dull. For the message, I have to move slowly , but the sensor dosent work well by slow movement. So I think the best way is not by the sensor but by touch the screen to start the message. Its very convenient , I think , when we take a picture because useful to reduce the misstake. Im sorry that my poor English.
This is suck. Thats all.
Per chi fotografa e ottima per fare giochi di light- painting. Creativa e economica.
You cant see it!!!!!
It takes a little while 2 c it but it sort of works
I wouldnt pay for this but its good for like parties
At least I got it when it was free but I have to wave it way too fast to see barely any. Even in a pitch black room
Dont know what all the overeager kiddys that swing real fast are talking about. You just have to find the right pace.
Fake and Gay
I could see the images but not the messeges real well plus I was worries about messing up my phone from having to shake it real hard to even barely see it .